It is located at Beykoz. Beykoz is not a touristic town and middle income citizens living place of İstanbul. Nature of Beykoz is very nice and we may think green side of İstanbul.
Beykoz Gümüşsuyu Restaurant &Cafe is near the bosphorus. You will have table nearby the sea. The place has 2 section 1-)Coffee shop and 2-)Restaurant side. This sections nearby each other but seperate buildings.
When you enter Coffee shop side(near sea side) you will smeel deep coffee aromas and you will enjoy it. Some sweets like cheesecake , tiramitsu , profiterol … available. Nice to have a rest.May be you will intend to drink just a coffee but believe me you will sit more than 2 hours enjoying the place.
Restaurant side is much more larger.Esspecially breafest is very qualified.İf you choice Gümüşsuyu breakfeast you will have much more than your need. Near the bosphorus smelling sea you will eat much more than your routine😉 Menu is not heavy. You will have routine foods but delicious is very nice. The good point this restaurant is under municipal authority and that is why prices are very very good and place quality considering price is excelent.
Without paying heavy bills you will have your launch dinner breakfeast or any snack near by the bosphorus. If you look into water you will see the fishes and seagulls and you may trow small bread pices for hem and feel the sea deeply.
It is a good oportunity to have such a snack or meal here and large tables are available. Both indoor tables and outdoor tables are available and seat chairs are comfortable.
Vale Parking and indoor park place is not available. But cross of the Street there are some parks or you may park Street which did as free😊
Address: Gümüşsuyu Mahallesi Kelle İbrahim Caddesi No:34 Beykoz / İstanbul
Reservation telephone : 444 666 1 or try +90216 444 6661
Web Page : T.C. Beykoz Belediyesi Resmi Web Sitesi
Instagram : gumussuyu.restoran (restaurant do not use instagram effectively)