Places to Visit

Water Garden İstanbul (Anatolian Side)

Water Garden is a big complex which first you observe small mall sign but mostly you will reach coffee shops and restaurants.

Inner side has shops,markets,change Office, pharmacy and open area you will see a huge pool.

Sure this pool is not for swimming purpose😊

Each hour (11:00 am, 12:00 am ,13:00 till 22:00 pm) there is a water show with raising musing and existing small fires on water. When this fire exist if you are close to pool you feel the heat on your face. But no mind, freze of the water mists are most effective and it is definatelly cool:=)

It is a good opportunity  to have a breath at İstanbul having water mist and able to reach so much breakfeast, lunch, dinner or a snack place.

There is also a zip line settled one side to another side of the complex which adults and kids can try. You will cross above the pool. İt seems amazing. May be tried to have a slight adrenalin in the middle of the city.

There is a NOSTALJI SOKAĞI (Nostalgy Street) inside the complex which has a narrow entrance so  even if every week visitting local peoples does not know the place. İt is like a secreet place to have a look inside the complex. You may reach Cağ Kebap and künefe(local sweet like baklava) here. As considering I am an 100 kg man and has big interest for foods kindly listen me and try Cağ Kebap (type of the kebap is ‘’CAĞ’’) at least once during your İstanbul visit. For a standart people it is normal to eat 5 shish cağ kebap. They bring new one till you stop them and sure the more you it the more you pay.  In this Street you may find ‘’Gel gör kebap’’  to try it.

There is a play garden inside the complex for kids. İnside the close area having a change currency office it is a very good opportunity for tourists.Changing Rate is not great I think but good for easy change for needs.

Web address:

Instagram:  watergardenist

Address:  Barbaros Mah. Kızılbegonya Sok. No.10/1 B.Ataşehir / İstanbul

Telephone for the complex management:   +90 216 504 75 25
Mail :


Note: Complex has 4-5 entry. There is vale parking(with fee) and also free indoor parking opportunity. Restaurants and cooffe shops opening hours vary in complex but earliest one opens at 08:00am and latest ones close at 00:00 midnight.